Monday, March 3, 2025

Mount Mahawu Before Dark Day 4 Part 6 (Post 17)

After enjoying a delicious lunch at the most charming restaurant in Tomohon, we’re off to explore Mount Mahawu!

We’re greeted with stunning views of Lake Tondano, one of the must-see spots in North Sulawesi.

As we hike along the main trail, we’re excited to spot a Grey-sided flowerpecker.

Not far away, we also see a Yellow-sided flowerpecker joining the fun on a flowering tree!

As we continue our trek, I come across a sign that leaves me a bit puzzled—no idea what it means!

With the daylight slipping away, we’re having a tough time capturing a good photo of a Citrine Canary-Flycatcher.

But we keep going, determined to catch a glimpse of any nocturnal birds that might be heading out to hunt. Our patience pays off when we spot a Sulawesi scops owl!

Encouraged by that find, we’re thrilled to discover a Speckled Boobook before wrapping up our adventure for the day.

Before I hit the sack, I attempt to snap a photo of the Milky Way as the background of my homestay, but unfortunately, the clouds have other plans that night!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Birdwatching in the Beautiful Garden of Tomohon - Day 4 Part 5 (Post 16)

After we wrapped up ordering our lunch, we were super excited to see which birds would flutter by and land near the flowers around us!

The first bird I spotted was a lovely Sooty Headed Bulbul.
Not too far away, I also noticed an Eastern Yellow Wagtail—those little guys usually hang out on the ground.
Suddenly, we heard some alarm calls from the birds, and they quickly went into hiding. When we looked around, we realised a raptor had soared past the garden!
After a quiet spell of about ten minutes, the munias started to show up and began feeding again. We saw a mix of Chestnut Munias and Scaly-breasted Munias.
I got a close-up look at a Scaly-breasted Munia, but we still hadn't spotted our main target bird yet.
Finally, after a little wait, we caught a glimpse of it! It was a small bird, similar in size and looks to a sunbird. Our target was the Sulawesi Myzomela—a cute little bird with a short, downcurved bill. 
The male has a stunning scarlet head!
I even managed to snap a photo of a young Sulawesi Myzomela.
You could see its dark tail and wings, which were quite striking!
Just when we were engrossed in watching the Sulawesi Myzomela, a curious skink decided to join the fun!
After lunch, we continued our birdwatching in the garden and spotted the Eastern Yellow Wagtail again, this time on the ground.
We also caught sight of a Cinnamon Bittern hanging out in the middle of a water lily pond,
and a Crimson Sunbird that looked a lot like the Sulawesi Myzomela.
Before we wrapped up our time in the garden, we were thrilled to see a Black-crowned White-eye as our last bird before leaving this beautiful garden!.