Sunday, August 25, 2019

Bali Diving Day 1-2

Is always excited to be surrounded by all the colourful fishes of all kinds.
Is a huge community down under the sea...
No aquarium tank can compare with the real coral reef
Moorish idol
One the character in the movie Nemo, named Gill - a Moorish idol.
Emperor angelfish
A huge and very beautiful Emperor angelfish.
Trumpet fish
A lone Yellow trumpet fish.
Clark's Anemone fish
In coral reef, many creatures are depending on each other by way of commensalism such as these  anemone fish and anemone that they call home as their protection.
Damsel fishes
These damsel fish use corals as their protection.
Brittle stars attaching themselves to coral for protection too.
Ornate ghost pipefish
Ornate pipefish use camouflage to make themselves invisible by blending with their surrounding. 
Whip goby
Whip goby use seek and hide tactic around whip coral. A very fruitful dive, I must say...

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