Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Semakau Inter-tidal Walk 26 Oct 11

Is have been almost a year since I last exploring Semakau during the evening low tide. When we arrived at Semakau, the storm is brewing & looks like a heavy downpour coming very soon. Luckily, the wind is strong and blow all the rain clouds away. We have a real good weather exploring the Semakau rich inter-tidal area!
One of the many beautiful creatures that we saw include this beautiful nudibranch!

This is my group, from Singapore Poly taking group photo at the area usually submerge underwater! This area will only expose during low tide.

We also managed to reach the most southern part of Singapore! Cool weather, colourful creatures, what a good way to celebrate!


  1. Thanks for sharing your getting together.
    Its been quite a while, but I like your new blog layout. Hope all is well otherwise.
    Anna :)

  2. Hi Anna, is been a long time! Thanks for dropping by! So, any plan to re-visit Singapore? :)

  3. Yes its been.
    I am afraid it may not happen for a good while. I must say though I really enjoyed Singapore. But I will be back, just one day ... for now I will enjoy your blog. Anna :)
