Sunday, May 3, 2009

Grey Heron Nest Building @ Ubin

Today is the last day of the long week end instead of going abroad for holiday, I go 'overseas' to spend this beautiful Sunday morning at Pulau Ubin. I was at Ubin last month taking lots of photos and include grey heron. I decided to spend some times watching Grey Heron (Ardea cinera ) this time round.
The weather today not too hot and are less people on the island as compare to the last time when I visit here perhaps most people spent their long week end out of Singapore?
I saw several nest and all of them are ready to prepare the arrival of their next generations except one.
I saw this heron still building the nest and the nest looks quite new and not as compact as the rest. Perhaps the courtship of this pair took longer than the rest? Photo above showing the female arranging the twig brought back by the male. I shall called this heron Mrs Grey.
On another side of the island, Mr Grey was busy selecting the suitable material for the nest construction.
Mr Grey found one and using his bill twist it and prepare to flew back to his new half built home.
Mr Grey on the way back...Mr Grey land on top of the new home to be...and pass the twig to his Mrs Grey.While Mrs Grey arranging the twig, Mr Grey will preen Mrs Grey. So lovely!Once it is done, Mr Grey will leave again to collect more materials.I lost count on the number of trips that made by Mr Grey. He seems to be very energetic non-stop collecting materials.Mr Grey collecting materials trip after trip and flew back from different directions.After about 3 hours, the newly wed couple inspect their new home together.Either Mr & Mrs Grey happy with their progress or they are hungry, Mr Grey come back with food instead of twig...
For this newly wed couple, wish them all the best and hopefully the next time when I'm back here, I can see their chicks!
After watching this happy couple, I'm happy too! I continue explore other part of Ubin. I shall keep other birds and butterflies that I seen this morning in another posting. :-)

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