Monday, February 25, 2019

My Big 5 + 1 of Masai Mara

In Africa, Big Five originally refers to 5 most difficult animals to hunt on foot. They are lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and Cape buffalo.

Different people will have their own different "Big Five". I have my own interpretation of Big 5 too. They, to me are the interesting animals for their behavior shown or their activities.

Yes. Lion is my #1. Every time when the boss is feeding or eating. There will be some uninvited "friends" that will follow behind but keep a distance. When there are bits and pieces that left behind by the boss, they will pick it up. This jackal is following the lion every move but keep a distance and patiently wait for the free lunch.
#2 - The Leopard.

Just the stares from this animal is enough send chills down my spine. Beautiful yet illusive animals to observe.
African elephant
#3 - Elephant

African elephant is bigger than the one I saw in Borneo, the Borneo Pygmy elephants. However, is this cute little baby elephant that won my heart. Don't you agree? This baby elephant is so curious about our presence and try to sniff us to see if we are friend or foe. Since we are at the headwind position, no luck for this baby elephant.
#4 - The Wildebeest

Wildebeest or should I say Wildebeests? Whether they are crossing the river or running away from predators. When the whole herd of wildebeest run together, is so magnificent!
#5 - The Zebra

In Masai Mara, you get to see Zebra crossing without Zebra Crossing!
#5 + 1 - last but not least, the Cheetah

Just like the slogan of one of the famous DC character - The Flash, "fastest man alive". For cheetah, they are the fastest animals alive! No where else that you get to see cheetah walk in this formation.

Really hope to go back again sometime during a different season. This basically sums up my trip to Masai Mara. See you again Masai Mara.

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