I have no idea what fruits is this. Looks like a pear to me...

Is always nice to see Malkoha in Singapore! Is been a while I last seen a wild Chestnut bellied malkoha in Singapore!

Leaf birds are usually difficult to spot due to their colour that blend perfectly with the surrounding. However, this pair of Blue-winged leaf birds are just too difficult to miss without the usual leaves for them to blend with.
Saw this juvenile Dollar bird also perch high up on a tree branch.
This pair of Striped-tit babbler jumping from branch to branch actively looking for food.
These flock of Scaly breasted munia with half of them juvenile feeding on the grass seeds.
Soon, Barn swallow will join these Pacific swallow when the migratory season starts.

The landscape and the biodiversity of this area will change in few years time when the construction of ecolink is completed. Currently Bukit Timah & the Central Catchment Nature Reserves are split to 2 by the BKE. When the ecolink is ready, the wildlife will be able to cross freely from one side to another!
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