I went to Pulau Tioman with RMBR on a Field Study Camp for Hwa Chong Institution from 26 to 29 May 2008. This is also my first time attending a Field Study Camp kind of activities. I get to share my knowledge and experience on seashore ecology & biodiversity and in return, I gained even more experience & knowledge thru sharing. I can't help but also gained some kg.....sigh! Blame it on the good food provided by the resort.... :-)
I woke up at 3am on 26 May and it was the 3rd day to wake up at this hour after the guiding at Semakau over the week end. Nevertheless, myself and the rest of the guides are very energetic when we meet at the meeting point.
We set off as per schedule and arrived at Tanjung Gemuk to take ferry transfer to be transferred to Pulau Tioman.
Day One :
Once everyone have checked in, we start the program with a rather easy walk around the resort to get everybody orientated on the area that we are exploring for the field study camp.

A short briefing by Ron before the walk. The walk covers seashore, mangrove forest.

The students posing near the entrance to the boardwalk.

After dinner, we explore the mangrove to observe and study the nocturnal animals. The walk was full of surprises, we even saw mud lobster (
Thalassina anomala) out from its mound. Is my first time to see a mud lobster in such a close distance!

Another one of the very common nocturnal animals is the Dog-face water snake. SJ demonstrate how to handle a dog-faced water snake.

The students have no fear of this cold blooded snake with mild venomous.

We continue the walk to river mouth and the sea shore before the end of Day One Program.
Day Two :
Due to the change of the tide timing, we have the inter-tidal walk in the morning instead of at night. Although the water visibility is very good, the biodiversity here not as rich as the shore we have at Semakau or Cek Jawa. Howeer, this shore do have some of the animals that are rarely seen in Singapore such as the Pinkfish sea cucumber.

Lecture on Inter-tidal ecology after lunch to wrap up the morning inter-tidal walk.
The program in the afternoon will be field trip for forest and fresh water ecology.

It was raining rather heavily at times when we are having the forest walk.

Afte the forest walk, we continue with fresh water ecology. The students were required to record the number and types of animals that they found in a fresh water stream. There are several types of shrimps and crabs in the stream. Sadly, we don't have a fresh water stream as big as the one in Tioman. The students were then asked to write a nature journal to reflect on what they have experienced.

The students were also asked to get their safety vest and snorkelling gears ready for tomorrow session. Photo showing JH & SY brief students on safety procedure as well as how to put on the various gears.
Day Three :
We proceed to Renggis for snorkelling after breakfast. There were lots of damsel fish, parrot fish, wrase and sea urchin. We also saw 2 Crown of thorns, cushion star and anemones with resident clown fish.

From the smile on their face, they are sure enjoy this snorkelling session.

Some more happy faces...
The students were given the whole afternoon to get their presentation on Ecotourism & nature conservation ready before dinner.

Various method were used by different group during the presentations. I'm sure the students are now have a better understanding on ecotourism & conservations as well as what they can do from the personal level.

Group photo of the students on this Field Study Camp with the teachers.
Day Four :
This is the Free & Easy day before we check out and return to Singapore.
These are some of the photos that I took on this trip.
The students take nothing but memories.... some wake up early at 5am sitting on beach enjoying the calm and fresh morning. Some took photos of their footprints, shodows.... before we take the ferry back to Tanjung Gemok.
Waiting for bus at Tanjung Gemok terminal.
We have a wonderful lunch before returning to Singapore. Thanks to RMBR, the HC's teachers and students and fellow guides in making this trip such a memorable one. I enjoy this trip very much! Hope to see the students at our nature area in Singapore!
Read more about it on Raffles Museum News.