As we move closer to August, the hot weather here in Singapore is set to continue for at least another 2 months. Is another hot day a expected today for birding here locally in Singapore. I go over to Bishan Park for my morning birding.
This female Pink Necked Green Pigeon is spoil for choice. Whenever there is fruiting tree, it will become buffet meal for this birds.So as this male Pink Necked Green Pigeon
This male Asian Koel just peep from behind.
The partner just watch from a nearby tree branch.
This may look similar, but is a Javan Myna.
This Black-Naped Oriole is also busy looking for food searching from branch to branch.
IS a hot hot day, this Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea) is panting to keep the temperature down.
There is quite a number of them hiding in the bush near the canal.
Waterhen is picking bits of food from the canal. Is a hot but a good birding trip.