Is not my first visit to Pak Thale, yet is so excited to re-visit this place year after year during the birds migration period.
The sign was very clear, stay on the bunds. Venture too close will give unnecessary stress to the birds.Common sandpiper being one of the most common shore birds.
Black drongo perch quite near us.
Painted Stork in flight
Another bird in flight, this time round was a Little Cormorant.
Long pink leg, Black-winged stilt is such a nice bird to watch.
Red-Necked Stint
Lesser Sand Plover also known as Mongolian Plover
Little Ringed Plover with black ring and yellow eye ring.
While in flight, this Whiskered Tern pay close attention on the mud flat for food.
Marsh Sandpiper wading through water looking for food.
The bamboo support at this mangrove re-planted area means no obstacle for this Whiskered Tern.
Caspian Tern are slightly bigger than Whiskered tern and with orange bill.