Take a break from the intense sea games and visited the coastal area of Singapore. Well, this is my 1st inter-tidal trip of 2015. That means is also my 1st SG50 inter-tidal trip!
The very 1st interesting sea cucumber that I saw is this Sea Apple Sea Cucumber.
Saw this very small swimming crabs feeding on seaweed.
As the tide going further, more sea cucumber were spotted. Saw this Ball Sea Cucumber still trying to burrow into the sands.
This Pink sea cucumber have a very striking colour and you won't miss it. It can be seen even from a distance.
There are very very few area left in Singapore mainland that sea star like this Biscuit Star can be found.
Another quite big sea cucumber that I found is this Sandfish Sea Cucumber
I have not seen a Sea Pen for a while although seen it frequently while diving.
Genie in the bottle? This Thunder Crab made full use of this discarded flower pot as his home.
A very shy Hermit crab undecided if it should come out and play? :)
A very beautiful Babylonia snail with the bright orange rim foot!
Another hermit crab with almost his whole body outside his host shell.
Saw this small fish before it burrow into the sands.
Saw this Salmacis sea urchin just before I end my trip. A short trip to sea marine creatures without diving.